Basket API2

The basket API allows a developer to use Razuna for storing files in a temporary location on the Razuna server. This gives you the power of a shopping cart like feature. The following methods are available:

  • How does it works
  • Add files to basket
  • Show basket
  • Delete all files in basket
  • Delete item in basket
  • Download basket

How does it works

In order to store files in the basket, you need to generate a “basket_id” in your system. This can be any kind of number, string, etc. Simply make sure you give each user of your website a unique number. Then simply pass this basket_id to every request on your site (so users can browse your site without loosing their basket). With this basket_id you also query the basket API. You also need to have an API KEY to use this API.

Add files to basket

Adds any kind of file to the basket.


Method name Returns
addToBasket String

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
basket_id Basket Id String yes 7859437598-2345-2345
asset_id Valid ID of an asset in Razuna String yes 523908044-4355-4R5T-B67B-55TG767U875
asset_type Original or thumbnail String no defaults to original file. If you want to add the thumbnail to a basket use “thumb” .Only applies to images!

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Status of operation File has been added to the basket

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"File has been added to the basket"]}

Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Show basket


Method name Returns
showBasket Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
basket_id Basket Id String yes 7859437598-2345-2345

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
asset_id The asset id 108
asset_type By default “org” (original) else “thumb” (thumbnail) org

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output


Output format : Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Delete all files in basket


Method name Returns
deleteBasket String

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
basket_id Basket ID String ywa 7859437598-2345-2345

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Status of operation All files in your basket have been removed

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"All files in your basket have been removed"]}

Delete item in basket


Method name Returns
deleteItemInBasket String

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
basket_id Basket ID of the comment String yes 7859437598-2345-2345
asset_id Asset ID String yes 108
asset_type Type of asset String no “org” (default) ; “thumb” for thumbnail (only applies to images)

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Status of operation File have been removed from this basket

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"File have been removed from this basket"]}

Download basket

Downloading basket : Please note, that downloading the basket has two parts!

One is the method downloadBasket(). This method initiates the collection of all files in the basket and then creates a ZIP file for downloading. The returning value (the ZIP file) of downloadBasket() can then be used in the second” method, checkForBasket(), to check if the file is ready to download. Files are made available in a special directory called /tmp on your server. The full URL to the basket file depends on your installation but usually it is something like, e.g. (domain)/global/tmp/ZIPFILE or (domain)/razuna/global/tmp/ZIPFILE.*

These methods will help you to create your own feedback to the client. This can either be a loading bar, a message or send them an email after the basket is ready.

Method to initiate download

Method name Returns
downloadBasket String

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
basket_id Basket ID of the comment String yes 7859437598-2345-2345

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message Name of ZIP file

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output


Method to check for basket availability

Method name Returns
checkForBasket String

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
zip_file Name of ZIP file String yes

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
responsecode A response number 0 = success
message File availablity true = available ; false = unavailable

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output
